All posts by animated-admin.

  • January 6, 2023
Brand Building from Scratch

Today, we live in a world bubbling with entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs with ideas that they hope they can soon turn into a reality.

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  • January 6, 2023
Why go for integrated Marketing

The market today is of a very complex and dynamic nature which gives rise to cut-throat competition.

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  • January 6, 2023
How To Be Effective In Your Communication During Work From Home

With the outbreak of COVID-19, the world has seen a vast change in way of life in the last couple of weeks.

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  • January 6, 2023
An Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications

“In a world full of problems, be somebody’s solution provider”- Every marketer’s core value and effort is directed towards executing this statement, but why do some of them fail to deliver it?

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  • January 6, 2023
Top 6 Marketing Tools and Techniques for Holiday Season
      Top 6 Marketing Tools and Techniques for Holiday Season   As Santa to all your Christmas wishes, marketing agencies are preparing to make all your dreams come true, through engagingly attractive marketing campaigns for a blissful holiday season. Although, every year calls for exciting events and parties followed by diving into flavoursome feasts and rekindling with [...] View More
  • January 6, 2023
Digital Trends For 2022

Traditional methods of marketing – be it TV Advertising, Radio, Newspaper, Outdoor Marketing are becoming obsolete.

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  • January 6, 2023
Social Media Marketing- An immunity booster for your online presence

As per sources, there was a 13% average increase in digital marketing budgets from 2019 and 2022.

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  • January 6, 2023
All you need to know about Performance Marketing in 2022

Performance marketing has proven to be the light in the darkest of times, especially through the COVID Pandemic. Apparently, businesses are experiencing a decline in their overarching annual goals and performance, causing bankruptcy and unformidable collapse in various sectors and industries.

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  • January 6, 2023
An Overview of Enterprise Service

Digitization is no longer just a tech jargon. It has evolved as an indispensable arm for a successful business.

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  • January 6, 2023
How to Effectively Use Technology for PR

The advancement of technology has offered many tools and opened several doors for mankind across different fields of work.

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