Why Integrated Marketing is the Need of the Hour?.

  • December 26 2019

Today, when a client is looking for a PR agency, they’re not just looking for someone to represent them, someone who can get them visibility or help them during a crisis. They are looking for all that and more. The client is looking for an expert, someone who has on ground experience and has worked across sectors. With the ever-changing role of PR in todays age, the requirements of a PR firm from a client is only increasing.

If a company has a launch coming up, they’re likely to hold a product launch event, are going to need digital marketing and social media marketing services, web design services, ecommerce website solutions, creative graphic design services, SEO service packages and more. To make things organized and easy they are going to want an agency that meets all their needs. By having an integrated PR team, you’re going to get a team that;

  • is better aligned, because they have established methods of communication with each other as opposed to one agency to another
  • adds more value to the projects because of the diverse nature of their knowledge and skill
  • helps create a long and deep relationship with the agency
  • has a strong internal structure and;
  • has one point of contact, enabling a convenient channel of communication for you

Sometimes, clients can even be unsure of the image they want to be communicated to their audience. In that case, they will require a brand consulting firm or a brand identity agency to help guide them – here’s where id8 media solutions can add value to your company’s bottom line

A brand with a program that aligns its marketing and PR teams with common goals is going to achieve better results. Integrated Marketing and Communications lead to an overall, stronger brand strategy, help reach a wider audience and if that doesn’t benefit enough, research shows a 20 to 30 percent increase in savings after partnering with an integrated PR agency.